So Many Islands: Stories from the Caribbean, Mediterranean, Indian and Pacific Oceans
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Toussaint Louverture ; The story of the only successful slave revolt in history . A play in three acts

The Changing Society of Tobago, (2 volume set) 1838-1938: A Fractured Whole Vol I - 1838-1900 & Changing Society of Tobago,1900-1938 A Fractured Whole Vol II

The Changing Society of Tobago (2 volume set) , 1900-1938: A Fractured Whole Vol II - and The Changing Society of Tobago, 1838-1938: A Fractured Whole Vol I

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From Shakers To Spiritual Baptists ; The struggle for survival of the Shakers of St Vincent and the Grenadines

Black Ghost Of Empire; The long death of slavery and failure of emancipation
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Orishas: The Ultimate Guide to African Orisha Deities and Their Presence in Yoruba, Santeria, Voodoo, and Hoodoo, Along with an Explanation of Diloggun Divination (African Spirituality)
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Ocean Stirrings : A Work of Fiction in Tribute to Louise Langdon Norton Little, Working Mother and Activist, Mother of Malcolm X and Seven Siblings
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