Race & Class; A Watershed Moment Vol 62 #2

Race & Class; A Watershed Moment Vol 62 #2


The COVID pandemic and the Black Lives Matter anti-racist upheaval have dominated the headlines across the world. Key Race & Class analysts make sense of this current moment. In ‘Global capitalism post-pandemic’, professor of sociology and global studies William I. Robinson reveals how the pandemic is accelerating the process of global capitalist restructuring, helping a new bloc of transnational capital to amass ever-greater power.

The technologies of the global police state were brought out in full force against hundreds of thousands of anti-racist Black Lives Matter protesters across the US following the killing of George Floyd. In a crucial interview with black feminist organiser Barbara Ransby she describes how the movement for black lives in the US is a watershed moment that has been years in the making, with black feminists leading the way, pushing a radical, holistic approach to liberation. Two books by political writer Mike Davis, reviewed by UK activist Joseph Maggs, resonate powerfully amid the on-going Black Lives Matter uprisings – The Monster Enters which argues for a reckoning with the global capitalist system, and Set the Night on Fire: on the activism of Black and Chicano LA youth in the ‘60s.

Author; .Jenny Bourne and Hazel Waters Editors

Publisher ; Institute of Race Relations


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